Information Library HTML update
It feels clunky to write/edit items in Information Library. I notice that the format changes randomly when editing text, especially when copy/pasting and using Delete. There have been so many other updates across the app/web app, and the updates seem to improve both the look and experience. It's time for Information Library's turn! Do I have to be an HTML expert just to edit Information? I know the answer is "no" but, it
like a yes right now, ya know?D
It feels clunky because they are using a version of TinyMCE (the text editor that is used) that was released 31st October 2016.
A demo of the current version of TinyMCE can be seen here:
...and a native spell checking feature seems essential.
Still working on an annual audit of our Information Library, and still feeling like I want to tear my hair out while doing so. Also frustrating to realize that I lack the technical knowledge to explain WHY this is so difficult for me/how it could be better, so I'll try these:
The UI is giving Word circa Windows XP and not in a good way.
Something, something... WYSIWYG.
Why is there an extra space here, I'll just try to get rid of it, aaaaaand now I've ruined everything.