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Time & Temperature

Release Notes - March 2024 - Web Portal Changes

  • Removed “mode” consideration for reporting
  • Time & Temperature Report
  • Time & Temperature process schedules
Removed “mode” from reporting
- We have changed reports to work the same regardless of which “mode” the user is in. Now, which locations appear in the location filter and in the data table on the reports depends only on which locations you have access to. For users who were relying on location or content group mode to filter their locations, they can make a saved report for the locations they want to see.
Time & Temperature Report
Time & Temperature
report on the
Web Portal
shows how well your organization is performing on gathering required temperatures for food handling processes.
Time & Temperature
reports are important because they are your key to proving that your food handling processes are keeping your food safe.
To check out the
Time & Temperature
report, take the following steps:
  1. Log onto the
    Jolt Web Portal
    and navigate to
  2. Click on
    Time & Temperature Report
  3. From this report you can quickly see if your organization is completing the number of expected processes each day.
  4. Follow a trendline for the number of passed and failed processes.
  5. Filter the report by,
    Date Range
    , or
  6. Group the data table by
    Organization Hierarchy
    , and
  7. Click on the
    view to see every temp recorded and the reason any process failed along with who recorded the temperature and the method they used to gather the data (sensor, probe, or manual entry).
A new filtering option for
has been added to the
view. This added functionality allows you to filter by Pass, Fail, Deleted, and Sold Out logs.
Time & Temperature Summary View
Time & Temperature Detail View
Time & Temperature
Complete multiple steps with one measurement
- If you take a temperature that passes multiple steps, the system will complete all the steps. For example, you are in a Cool Down process and you are on the step to get the food below 70°F and you record a measurement below 41°F, the system will complete the 70° step and 41° step and successfully complete the process automatically.
Process Schedules
- Process schedules automatically add processes to the app according to a recurring schedule you define. If your organization prepares many of the same foods on a regular schedule, schedules will save the time it takes to add those processes to the app every time.
Let’s say every day at 3:00 p.m. you cool down a large batch of chicken salad for the next day. You can schedule chicken salad to automatically appear on the app at 3:00 p.m. This will save you time and also serve as a reminder that the chicken salad cool down process needs to be started.
Once a scheduled process appears on the app, it will be completed in exactly the same way as the same process if it is manually scheduled. In the CSV download of the Time & Temperature data, the “Creator” of the process will appear as “Scheduled.”
To set up a process schedule, take the following steps:
  1. Navigate to
    Lists | Time & Temperature
    on the
    Web Portal
    and click on the process you want to set a schedule for.
  2. Click on the
    tab and click
    Add Schedule
  3. Select the product(s) you want to appear on the app at a certain time.
  4. Set the time of day you want the processes to appear.
  5. Select the days of the week you want the schedule to run.
  6. Click
    to save your changes.
Example Process Schedule
Scheduling Webinar Image
We are excited to extend an invitation for our upcoming webinar.
For those who have been using the Jolt Lite app and are interested in switching to the new app, or for those who haven't used Jolt Scheduling at all, come check out what's new with the Jolt Scheduling mobile app!
Here are the details:
  • Date:
    Tuesday, April 16th, 2024
  • Time:
    1pm MDT/3pm EDT
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Platform: Zoom Webinar
To be a part of our webinar event, please click on the registration link provided below:
Should you have any questions or require further information, feel free to reach out to
We look forward to your participation in this event.
All the best,
The Jolt Success Team


Time & Temperature

Time & Temperature Schedules

Schedule processes to appear on the app when you need them.
Screen Shot 2024-04-11 at 8
What is it?
Process schedules automatically add processes to the app according to a recurring schedule you define.
Why does it matter?
If your organization prepares many of the same foods on a regular schedule, schedules will save the time it takes to add those processes to the app every time.
How does it work?
Let’s say every day at 3:00 p.m. you cool down a large batch of chicken salad for the next day. You can schedule chicken salad to automatically appear on the app at 3:00 p.m. This will save you time and also serve as a reminder that the chicken salad cool down process needs to be started.
Once a scheduled process appears on the app, it will be completed in exactly the same way as the same process if it is manually scheduled.
In the CSV download of the Time & Temperature data, the “Creator” of the process will appear as “Scheduled.”
To set up a process schedule, take the following steps:
  1. Navigate to
    Lists > Time & Temperature
    on the
    Web Portal
    and click on the process you want to set a schedule for.
  2. Click on the
    tab and click
    Add Schedule
  3. Select the product(s) you want to appear on the app at a certain time.
  4. Set the time of day you want the processes to appear.
  5. Select the days of the week you want the schedule to run.
  6. Click
    to save your changes.
To learn more about
Jolt Time & Temperature
, review this Post.


Time & Temperature

Time & Temperature Report

Web-based reports to gather all of your temperature data.
image (3)
What is it?
Reports on the Web Portal show how well your organization is performing on gathering required temperatures for food handling processes.
Why does it matter?
Time & Temperature reports are important because they are your key to proving that your food handling processes are keeping your food safe.
How does it work?
  1. Log onto the
    Jolt Web Portal
    and navigate to
  2. Click on
    Time & Temperature Report
  3. From this report you can quickly see if your organization is completing the number of expected processes each day.
  • The “expected” processes display in green are the daily average from the last 4 weeks.
  • The expected number is compared to the completed number (passed (blue) plus failed (red) process
  1. Follow a trendline for the number of passed and failed processes.
  2. Filter the report by, Date Range, Locations, People, Product, or Process
  3. Group the data table by Organization Hierarchy, Location, People, Product, and Process
  4. Click on the
    view to see every temp recorded and the reason any process failed along with who recorded the temperature and the method they used to gather the data (sensor, probe, or manual entry).
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Time & Temperature | Detail View
Beginning with Jolt release 5.30.2, Labeling customers can add images to their mobile app Labeling tiles.
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Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 8
Standard Tile
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Tile with Image
Adding an Image to a Label Tile
To add an image (JPG/JPEG o, PNG) to a Label tile:
  1. Open the Jolt Web app and navigate to the labels page.
  2. Once on the labels page, click on the label you would like to add an image to. You can also add an image when creating a new label.
  3. Now drag and drop the image you would like to add from its storage location to the “drop file here” on the edit label page.
Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 8
The image will automatically appear on the mobile app after the next successful “sync”.
Removing an Image to a Label Tile
On this same screen, remove an image by clicking on the “X” icon as shown below:
Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 8
Or in a different workflow, the remove button will appear and can be used:
Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 8
Replace an Image to a Label Tile
On this same screen, replace an image by dragging and dropping another image into the “drop file here” area. The existing image will be automatically removed.




Jolt Web


Time & Temperature

Release Notes - Nov, & Dec. 2023, Jan. & Feb. 2024 - Web Portal Changes

  • Select All option on Lists page
  • Expiration date column in Browse Lists
  • Trendline chart on Brand Reports
  • Announcing Enterprise Reports
  • Option to delete inactive lists
  • Browse Lists printout enhancements
  • Default map location for Lists geofencing
  • Resubscribing phone numbers improvements
Select All checkbox added to Lists Index page
- You can now select all lists on the screen with one click by checking the
Select All
checkbox at the top of the checkbox column.
Select All Checkbox
Support article link on Item Types selection
- We added a link to the support article for item types to the modal where you select an item type when building a list template.
Item Type Selection Modal
Default expiration interval set to 1 hour
- To help make reports more accurate with the open/closed view, the default expiration interval has been changed to 1 hour after the due date. Reports will look more like expected if lists expire within a short amount of time after they are due.
Default Expiration Interval
Display schedule expiration interval validation
- We now provide an informational message if a list display schedule is saved without an expiration interval.
Validation Message
Option to delete inactive lists
- In
Edit Lists
, when you navigate to the
Inactive Lists
folder, you can check the box by one or more lists and select a new “
” option from the
More Options
menu. Doing this will clear the list from the
Inactive Lists
folders so that it no longer exists in
Untitled (1)
Option to Delete Inactive Lists
Allow list reactivation
- The option to reactivate a list will show in the more options menu on lists that are set to not allow deactivation by the publisher. This resolves a situation where lists are set to allow deactivation and after a subscriber deactivates it, the publisher changes the list to not allow
Option to delete inactive Lists
- In the
Inactive Lists
folder on the
List Index
page, you can check the box by one or more lists and select a new “
” option from the
More Options
menu. This will clear the list from the
Inactive Lists
folders so that it no longer exists in
Untitled (1)
New process for resubscribing phone numbers
- There is a new process for resubscribing phone numbers that have been unsubscribed automatically due to bounced messages, invalid or unsupported numbers, etc. Users can now validate and resubscribe phone numbers to Jolt text message notifications via email.
In addition, on the Person page, managers and users with Jolt accounts can now see specific instructions for resubscribing to Jolt texts after having opted out (marking a Jolt text as spam or texting STOP)." See the support article for more details.
Option to exclude completed by/time information on the Browse Lists printout
- A new checkbox has been added to the
Browse Lists
printout that lets you exclude “
Completed by
” and “
Completed Date/Time
” information for the items on the list. This change helps the new printout match the old Browse List printout.
Option to Print Completion Info
With and Without Completion Info
Informative message on Lists Dashboard
- If you hit the Lists Dashboard before any lists have been processed by a user, you will now see a message advising you that data will appear as lists are completed.
More Informative Message
Show filter buttons on saved report email
- The emails that are sent out for saved reports now include the filter buttons from the saved report to provide more context for what the data set represents.
Buttons Show on Emailed Reports
Expiration date column added to Browse Lists
- A new column for expiration date was added to help users understand whether a list instance should appear on the open or closed view of the Completion Report.
Expiration date column
Expiration Date Column
Trendline chart added to brand level version of List Completion Report
- This chart was added to bring this brand report in line with other completion reports.
Brand Report with Trendline
Report name added to saved report email
- When a saved report is scheduled and emailed to recipients, the PDF attached to the email will now include the report name to make it easier for users to understand what data they are looking at.
Report Name on Email PDF
Enterprise Reports
Enterprise reports are now available
Enterprise Reports
is a data visualization tool built upon the
Jolt Data Share
Enterprise Reports
allow customers who are subscribed to the
Jolt Data Share
product to build custom dashboards from the
Data Share
warehouse and display the dashboard in the
Jolt Web Portal
. The
Jolt Data Share
product enables
to set up a data pipeline on behalf of a customer so their Jolt data can be hosted in a data warehouse. Customers can then use a
Enterprise Reports
visualization tool to build a custom dashboard with
data. The
Enterprise Reports
feature allows the dashboard to be viewed alongside all other
Enterprise Report
Sample Enterprise Report
“Printed by” the person added to Browse Lists printout
- The name of the person printing a list from Browse Lists now displays underneath the company logo.
Printed by Person
Sublist results print in line on the Browse Lists printout
- All of the results from a sublist will print in detail on the Browse Lists printout.
Sublist Items Printout
Saved reports recipient list order
- The list of possible recipients for a scheduled email on a saved report is now sorted alphabetically to make it easier to find the person you are looking for.
Geofence map defaults to location address
- The first time you turn on geofencing restrictions for
, the map location will default to the address of the location. (If no address exists, it defaults to
address.) Once geofencing has been turned on, the pin will always display at its last location even if it is turned off for a while and back on.
Lists Access with Geofence
Time & Temperature
Option to remove default process on a product
- You can now set the default process to “
No Default Process
” on a product. This is useful if you have a product where about half the time you use one process and the other time you use another. When the default process is set to “
No Default Process
,” whenever you select that product on the app, it will automatically let you choose which process you want rather than setting the default and requiring you to change it.
Option for No Default Process
Process owner and editor information
- We’ve added the process owner and who the last user to change the process was on the process list page. This helps you know whether the process was created by the content group or a location.
Process Owner and Last Changed by Info





Time & Temperature

Mobile App Version 5.27.2, 5.28.2, and 5.29.2

  • Time & Temp Logs
  • New Scheduling Dashboard
  • Thermapen IR Blue probe works with Lists
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.
New Scheduling Dashboard
- The Scheduling dashboard has graduated from beta testing and is now available to all users. You can see your published shifts, shifts available for pickup, and your time off requests.
Availability (Beta)
- Previously, only time off requests were available on the mobile app. You can now submit time off and availability requests from the mobile app on the
page. Instead of submitting when you are unavailable, the new design asks you when you are available. Note that the new availability design is not compatible with Jolt Lite & Web and will require migration for existing customers to take full advantage of the feature.
Manager Approvals/Denials (Beta)
- Admins can now see the manage page on the mobile app where they can approve and deny pending requests. They can also filter to see previously approved or denied requests.
image (1)
Pickup Unnasigned Shifts
- You can now publish unassigned shifts and employees can see them on the dashboard and request to pick them up. Pickup requests require manager approval.
Updated Feedback screen
- We made a few style changes to the
screen to help clarify that the screen is for sending information to
. We have had a number of users mistakenly believe they are sending information to other people at their place of employment. There should now be no mistake that the messages will be going to
. To see the new screen, navigate to
Settings | Send Jolt Feedback
Send Jolt Feedback Screen
Thermapen IR Blue probe now works with Jolt
- You can now use the Thermoworks dual BlueTooth/Infra-red probe with the Jolt app. This is the latest probe technology from Thermoworks and can be purchased on the Jolt Supplies page.
Time & Temperature
Announcing a new module built on Lists technology called
Time & Temperature
What is it?
A new tool in
based on Lists technology which keeps track of time and lets you record temperatures while you are processing and serving food.
Why does it matter?
This tool helps you create the data you need to prove your food-handling processes are safe.
How does it work?
Customers who sign up for
Jolt Time & Temperature Logs
can customize it to match the rules around their own food handling processes. Then the Lists module will allow you to start a process and select a product from your custom list of foods. The
app keeps an eye on the clock while you record temperatures following your normal processes. As the food is cooled or held for sale,
will show you which foods need to be temped next and help you ensure your food is handled safely.
Time & Temperature Logs
integrates with Bluetooth™ temperature probes or measurements can be entered using the keypad on the app. In the future,
Time & Temperature Logs
will integrate with
Jolt Sensors
Jolt Labeling
to reduce the labor required to complete your food handling processes.
Some of the benefits of using
Jolt Time & Temperature Logs
  • Easier to capture food safety data
  • More difficult to pencil whip
  • Reduces costs of food waste
  • Reduces product reheats
  • Improves accountability & compliance
  • Food safety records stored in the cloud
  • Saves time organizing food safety records
  • Reduces exposure to food safety violations
Time & Temperature Logs on the Jolt App
Option to display processes with Lists
- If you are using Time & Temperature, you can now opt to see the food handling processes in the All Lists view. This option will let you see all of your processes and lists together so you don’t have to switch folders if you are completing both types of tasks.
To opt in, navigate to
Settings | Lists
and tap on
Display Options
. Toggle on the “
Display within Lists.





List Folders

What is it?
When you manually create or ad hoc a list, you will see list folders created on the Web Portal to help with list template organization.
Why does it matter?
For people who don’t know the name of the list they are trying to add, this feature helps them find the list by organizing lists into folders. It can also be faster than using the search.
How does it work?
On the Web Portal, authorized users can create folders for list templates and move related templates into the same folder. For example, you could put all of your disciplinary forms in one folder, your BOH lists in another, etc.
These folders then display on the app on the screen that shows all the list templates to choose from when you ad hoc a list. You can tap on a folder and see the lists that belong to that folder. The search feature still works and looks across all folders.
If a user doesn’t have role-based access to any of the lists in a folder, the folder will be hidden when they try to add a list.
Blue folders have lists inside them. White folders are empty. Users will see content group and location folders, but they will not see system folders like “Sublists” and “Inactive Lists.”
  • Scheduling Shift Drops, Pickups, & Trades Update
  • Stability and performance updates
Shift Drops, Pickups, & Trades -
These features have been added to the Jolt Mobile app. Users can submit shift drop requests, shift pickup requests, and shift trade requests. Managers cannot yet approve them from the Jolt app but they can still be approved from the web app or Jolt Lite. The ability for managers to approve and deny requests will be added to the Jolt app soon.
Set expiration date on corrective action lists
- To help align corrective action lists with the new completion report open/closed views, we will now be setting the expiration date on them. This applies to any list that is generated as a corrective action list, including planned corrective action lists. The expiration date will be set following the defaults on the list template



Jolt Web

Send List Date Selection

What is it?
You can now select the display, due, and expiration date/time for lists you send to all locations.
Screen Shot 2023-11-28 at 3
Why does it matter?
This feature gives you more control when sending an instance of a list to all your locations. Being able to select the display date/time and expiration date/time makes it easier to coordinate the action across your organization.
How does it work?
To send a list to all locations and select the display date and expiration date, an authorized user can take the following steps:
  1. Navigate to
    Edit Lists
    on the
    Web Portal
  2. Click into the list template you want your locations to complete.
  3. On the top right, click the
    More Options
    button and select
    Send List to All Locations
  4. Set the display date and select the interval of time until the list will be due and expires.
  5. Click
. a. The list will display for all locations on the date/time you selected, show as past due after the due date/time, and disappear from the app at the expiration date/time.
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