- Inline multiple choice option
- Multi-location Time Off Requests (Beta)
- Availability Exceptions (Beta)
Option to see multiple choice answers inline
- A checkbox has been added to the multiple choice item configuration on the Web Portal
to show answers inline. If this option is checked, the app will show the multiple choice answers and let you pick without having to open the side sheet. This option could save up to 3 taps on every multiple choice item. Multiple Choice Answers Inline
Multi-location Time Off Requests
- Users will be able to submit time off and availability requests for all locations that they work at within a single request. They can also choose to specify which locations the request is for
- Eliminates the hassle of switching locations and creating multiple requests for the same thing
- Once submitted, a separate request will be created for each location that will still need to be approved individually by a manager at that location
Availability Exceptions
- When employees have irregular repeating patterns in their availability they can use the availability exceptions feature. Eg. unavailable every other week
- This allows users to communicate their complete availability effectively so that managers can avoid creating scheduling conflicts.
- Before you create an exception, you must first set your base weekly availability. Exceptions are disabled until weekly availability is set.
- Probe records temp instantly when stabilization is turned off