Audit Trail of Shift swaps/release
under review
under review
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Shift change history
There is a history log in time off and availability, but nothing in shift change. When employee doesn't show for a shift and disputes the shift change records its hard to discuss with no history to go back to.
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Swapped Shift Log
It would be nice if there was a log we could reference when people trade and pick up shifts. For example, I had an employee swap shifts with someone and they accepted the shift on a day they had requested off for because they weren't paying attention. It would be nice to be able to show them that they accepted this shift and they are responsible for being here should they not be able to work it out otherwise.
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History report of Shift releases and swaps
I would like have a report to see who has release themselves from shifts and who is picking them up.
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Shift Swap Report
A report that shows the approved shift swaps would be appreciated.
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Shift Trades
Can you add to the app the ability to look back and filter shift trades by approved, denied or pending?
Thank you everyone for your feedback.
One question I do have, with the staff making the shift trade, once the second person agrees to the trade, a push notification is sent to the admin role(s) to approve/deny that request. Once the request is approved the schedule is updated to reflect the change and current schedule.
Are your staff doing a shift trade within the app?
Is a manager approving/denying those trades?
Please let me know if I am missing something here as well!
Sarah: correct, our staff is using the app to change their shifts and it is getting manager approval.
Let me give one example of where this is important for me....
I create the schedule based off employee availability. The schedule is published. Someone puts their shift on the trade board and someone else accepts the shift, and I approve it.
Now second person who accepted the position does not show up for their shift. We call them, to ask them what is going on. They accuse the original schedule maker of not looking at their availability, they can’t work on that day of the week.
Now, there is no history log where the schedule maker could show the employee that they in fact accepted the position from the trade board.
It seems silly, but unfortunately, this happens to us frequently with our staff.
Emma: Thank you for that additional example. That is very unfortunate and honestly sucks, I am sorry that you have to deal with that! I have your example now available for the product team to help them see the importance of a history.
I unfortunately don't have a work-around for that in the meantime.
This function would be extremely helpful so we can track which employees regularly look to swap/release shifts.
There should also be a report of who approves the shift changes.
Looking back to see if someone picked up another staff members shift would be helpful. Currently the staff could pick up a shift on a day they don't have in their availability, then not show up citing they cannot work that day and there is no log of them picking up the shift so it looks as if the manager scheduled them on a day they could not work. Would solve many disputes and help with documenting staff for not showing up for shifts
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