Hours Limit - Minors
under review
Most states have laws requiring that minors do not work more than a certain number of hours per week. In order to prevent labor law issues, the best feature Jolt scheduling could offer which would make it better than any competitor is to allow employers to enter birthdays on an employee profiles. Then, incorporate the birthday into hour limitations. For instance, in Michigan, minors cannot work more than 24 hours. The schedule should give me a warning if I try to schedule for more than that, similar to overtime.
under review
We are currently planning this feature and would love to talk to those who are interested to provide more detailed feedback and be part of the development process. Please let me know if you are interested and we can schedule some time to discuss. Thank you for your feedback!
Michael, Put me in coach, I got hoop dreams. This is awesome.
Merged in a post:
Minor Workers
Would like to see a feature that would allow me to limit days of the week for individuals (Minors), i.e. team member can only work three days a week, at four hour shifts but is available everyday after 4.
I agree with this request. The best and easiest way in my opinion, would be to allow the employee to put in their min/max hours and it would be next to their name on the scheduler.
Merged in a post:
Specify hours per employee
I would like it if in each employee's file, I could put how many contract hours per week they have, and that in the weekly schedule, I would like to let you know if you exceed the scheduled hours.
Merged in a post:
Max/Min Hours Available
It would be helpful for there to be a place for a note (maybe under the employee's name on the schedule software) for us to input the Max/Min hours that the employee wishes to get based upon the conditions of our hiring them.
Merged in a post:
Settings for minors
I'd like for there to be a way to set a maximum hour limit for staff that are minors. I would also like for there to be a way to tag minors. Possibly a way to highlight them when making the schedule
Hi Steve, would setting a weekly limit suffice here? So minors cannot be scheduled over a weekly total of hours that you set? Or do you need more customizable limitations?
Hi Michael, in our country, we're not allowed to bring our minors to work more then 6h/day for example. You can bring them as many days as you want, but they can't work more then what I've mentioned. If you do bring them, you can be dragged into court for that, presumably for "labor exploitation of children".
So it is a quite sensitive subject for many I'd say.
This would be a really nice feature!