Notes to Employees
I would like to be able to leave notes to my employees when I schedule them. For example: If I schedule them on Tuesday with under the role of cafe, station of cashier...I would also like to be able to note, I need this task done today, or there is a field trip of 300 kids today, just different notes that specifically apply to that one person only that I can leave on their different scheduled shifts.
I have at least one customer that is looking to add notes to specific shifts when they are created or edited. It would be used to communicate something specific or special about this shift to the person assigned. Notes would not be saved to a template nor would they be copied since they are shift specific. They would need to display on the APP for that shift.
I mentioned this to Jolt team a while ago as well. Would be a fantastic idea to implement.
Also, really important not to be limited in terms of how many letters we're able to key in! (I understand that only some will be visible on printed paper/pdf schedule, but some are able to use Tablets and can see all the explanation).
Agreed, just a simple box for notes would be fantastic.
So and so will be here to drop off the thing at the time.
If you need this do that.
Great idea!!!