Shift template needs to include employees
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Shift templates will now include the employees by default! Please try it out and let us know if you have any additional feedback.
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Master Copy + Paste Schedule Template
Create a template that saves the shifts and the individuals who are assigned to that shift to be able to assign that master schedule to most weeks but be able to make edits if needed on weekly availabilities.
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Create a shift template that is assigned
Is there any way you guys can add a way for us to save the shift template already assigned to the employees? I need my managers to be able to have a standard template with set hours as deemed by corporate and it's a pain in the butt for them to re-assign all shifts.
If I have them copy a previous week, that works, but then they have to remember to delete shifts for special events (which we have frequently) on the weekends.
Suggestions or help?
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Template Remembers Employees on Shift
The template should remember which employee was assigned to which shift - much easier to switch from one to another then it is to manually assign all of the shifts every week.
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Create template is flawed
There should be the option to create a template with the shifts assigned to employees and an options to create a template with shifts unassigned. The copy and paste solution is not a solution to this problem. we need the ability to have multiple templates available for quick scheduling if our employees have fixed schedules. Having to hunt for your standard week without changes and then copy and paste seems to be an oversight and a headache at best.
Steve, thank you for the feedback. You can copy the schedule and move it into the next week. This will keep the shifts from the past week in the same person's name in the the week you paste it into.
Edit > Copy in the top menu.
Do you have some roles that are the same and other roles that change?
Hi Jordan,
I can see that this would be helpful feature to have.
Are you aware that the copy/paste function works? You can copy the previous schedule to the new schedule so that you don't need to manually assign all of the shifts every week. Then you can make the adjustments needed in the template.
Let me know if the copy/paste function is a possible solution that helps you with this, or if you are still wanting a feature for the template to work in this way.
TJ: Copy/Paste could work, but ideally the template would have the ability to remember employees because then I could have different templates based on how the schedule looks if a special event is happening or if an employee is out of town etc.. rather then trying to find the last published schedule with a similar occurrence and copying that to the next week.
Thanks for the quick fix though and the reply, that will help for the near future!