Simpler Availability/Time Off Entering (Calendar View & Multiple Locations)
in progress
Please provide a calendar for each employee to show them which days they actually said they were available and which days they said they needed time off. make it easier for them to cancel old requests.
Janelle: A basic calendar view for employee availability is coming very soon to the Jolt app! I would love to show you and get your feedback
YES, PLEASE MAKE THIS SIMPLER AND EASIER. CHECK OUT 7SHIFTS scheduling software in their week to week format. SO much easier!
Janelle: Thank you for the feedback! Have you tried out the new app experience or are you using Jolt Lite? So far in our user tests the feedback has been that the new app experience is easier for new users than 7shifts. I would love to talk to you more and get your feedback so I will email you directly.
in progress
Thank you everyone for your feedback. We are currently building a new, redesigned Time Off & Availability functionality into the Jolt app.
The new designs will allow users to specify the days and times they are Available (instead of Unavailable).
We would love to have anyone interested in giving feedback, review the new designs with us, and be part of testing it once it is available. Please let me know if you are interested.
Michael: Definitely interested. Let me know how I can help!
John: Awesome thank you John. I'll reach out to you via email.
John: Hey John, I tried emailing you at the contact listed in your Jolt profile but didn't get a response. Are you still interested?
Michael can they select this on a monthly basis just by clicking each day from a calender format, instead of having 3 different pages of things to clikc like day of week, every other. please simplify this process for staff to imput their availability, as it is so confusing. i woul dlike to test a new system ASAP, please.
The availability and RTO functions don't work on Android (for the employees who could even get the app to download), and inputting availability is equally RIDICULOUSLY tedious on the app for them, or for me to do it for them as a manager. PLEASE set this up as something simple, like just filling in time blocks in the days that they are available for work.
Merged in a post:
Leave requests for multi sites
I have 2 locations, with staff tat work at both. If someone submits a leave request, it only blocks them out for the site they were in when they requested it. Meaning I never get a full snapshot off staff availability. Content group mode doesn't do anything. At least let me change the colour of a cell to reflect someone being unavailable at a different site.
Merged in a post:
Time off: Calendar View
It takes a really long time for me to get all of the days in for my time-off schedule, and afterwards the set up for showing me what days I have requested off is very confusing. It would be a lot easier if there was a calendar view within the jolt app, and I could just click on what days I want off in the calendar. The days that I am working could also be in the calendar to help me keep track of everything.
From a customer regarding availability visibility:
Leave requests for both locations. Why can't both locations reflect someone's availability? Or, why can't I manually change the colour on the schedule to reflect an approved request? Seems no different to a shift, visibility wise, to me.
It would also be very helpful from a scheduling standpoint to be able to see all time requests in a given week or month in a calendar view.
Merged in a post:
Time Off Requests
To whom it may concern,
We have been having issues with employees requesting off. When they are approved it turns the day red so you know they cant be scheduled (which is very helpful). However, when an employee is on more than 1 location it doesn't tell the Manager of the secondary location that they've already been approved for their day off. We would love it if you could take a look at this and possibly come up with a solution. Best, your very grateful customers!
Merged in a post:
Time Off/Availability at Multiple Locations
When an employee requests timeoff at one location, it shows them as available at all of the other locations.
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