Decimal Hours to Hours& Minutes
We need to have total hours in minutes. Jolt Time-clock Decimal hours system is useless for us. We always need to convert the decimal hours to regular minutes for each employee before sending the hours to accountant for each payroll.This is big hassle for all our locations. I would appreciate if you can please provide the option that we can get the hours in Hours&Minutes format.
+1 - would be useful to have a company-level setting to change the decimal-style time output from the labor report to either 2 fields (hours + minutes) or just minutes.
Merged in a post:
Different units of measurement: Employee vs. Manager
The employee and manager view of the timeclock report should be in the same unit (e.g. Angie worked for 5.66 hours, but it shows up as 5:36 in her view). This discrepancy is problematic for employees who are required to enter their own hours. Add the decimal-based system instead of total time worked in hours+minutes.