Department selection for each clock-in (Job tracking)
D'Arcy Simanton
I've got 80 employees who work in multiple departments. I need to track total hours by each department. It would save me so much time!! Simply put a dropdown so that when employees clocked in they could select the department they are working in. If they move to a different department they can clock out and when they clock back in they select a different department.
Maybe this would be considered job tracking by some. Let the employee select what job they are working on. That would work for me too!
Hi D'Arcy,
Thank you for the feedback! I have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Would it be sufficient if they could select their role when clocking in or would you need the employee to be able to select from a separate list of departments/jobs?
Also would you need to store a separate pay rate associated with the departments/jobs so that the scheduling and/or time clock reports would update the labor costs? Or do you just need the hours attributed to the correct department and you don't need different pay rates factoring into the labor cost?
D'Arcy Simanton
Michael For my situation I don't need any pay rates associated with the jobs. I take care of that externally as for most of these individuals their pay is based on a variety of factors that change quarterly.
If by selecting their role, meaning I could have one individual as a member of multiple rows (Cafe, Custodial, Farm, Music, Media, Campus, etc) select a specific role, yes, that would work. If this were the case I would see creating these roles as being my departments and then I could add all the employees to all the roles (departments) for them to select one of them when they clock in? The individuals may work in 1, 2, 3, or more departments or unexpectedly work in a 4th in any given week.
Feel free to call if you'd like to discuss directly.