Multiple pay rates for a profile
under review
under review
Thanks for the feedback everyone! We are looking into this for our roadmap later this year. We may be reaching out for feedback and design review. Stay tuned!
One question we have is for those who are also using Jolt scheduling, would it be enough to just always assign the employee the role that is scheduled in the shift? We could introduce a manager override but we are wondering if there is a need for employees to self-select the role that might be different from what they are scheduled without a manager override.
Michael Self-selection of what department/role they are doing is important. Things can change on the fly from the schedule. Would be a plus if the time clock would cross reference what role was self-selected could be crossed referenced with the schedule but not as important as the self selection.
Michael It'd be nice if employees can choose their role when clocking in as schedules can always change. Thank you,
Merged in a post:
Punches By Role!!
We need to be able to have employees clock in by role or station!!!!!!!!! This app does everything but that!
D'Arcy Simanton
Absolutely agree. I have 70 employees but currently manage 300+ user accounts because Jolt doesn't have the simple ability for a user to select their role or position when clocking in. Jolt, please add this functionality.
For some roles I want to allow manual punches but not for others. Callowing manual punches by role would be very useful.
Merged in a post:
Time Clock
We need a way to produce a full report for payroll but currently cant define how many hours were worked at different pay rates. we have multiple roles and sometimes within one day even an employee can switch between a supervisor role and a team member role at different pay rates. is there a way to assign punches to the role that was scheduled and establish pay for that shift and the full month?
also why is there a difference between labor report and punches totals within timeclock?
Merged in a post:
Employee time by Department
D'Arcy Simanton
I many employees who may work in multiple departments during a single week such as cafeteria, custodial, or maintenance. It would be great if there were an option for them to specify which department they are working in when they clock in.
This would make it possible for me to track hours and therefore cost between departments more readily.
Is there any update to this? Seems to be a huge pain point for everyone.
Each employee should be able to select the role (or roles) which is already assigned to them when they clock in.
This is our largest pain point, and makes it incredibly hard to run payroll quickly and accurately. This is the biggest roadblock to our ability to scale with Jolt.
Agreed! Is there a workaround while we hope for an update to support this?
Us too! We have different pay rates for different roles and one employee can work within more than one role on different shifts.
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